Posted Date: 09/22/2022
To the Parents and Guardians of our 6th, 7th and 8th grade classes,
We have been given a great opportunity for our 6th, 7th and 8th grade students to participate in an academic program that will assist them with their math abilities. This is a strictly volunteer basis and not required at all, but it is a chance for students to look at math from different perspectives and to allow them the freedom to work math concepts on a different level.
The program is called MathCounts and it provides our students not only the opportunity to improve their math abilities, but it is also an opportunity for our students to compete with other schools to see who can work through various math problems the quickest and most efficient way in various competitions. MathCounts is a nationwide program for 6th, 7th, and 8th grade students. It targets students of all ability levels. It helps the struggling student learn to understand and love math and the outstanding math student to reach unimagined heights of mastery. Parents will need to pick up their students after MathCounts so carpooling is recommended for your convenience.
Mr. Moore is the gentleman who has volunteered to start the MathCounts program at Taylor’s Crossing. He has 15 years’ experience coaching MathCounts. He is passionate and excited about bring the MathCounts program back to our school. He visited the 6th, 7th and 8th grade classes on Tuesday to present information to students about the program and he managed to get roughly 20-30 students to state their interest and desire in participating in the program. We are hoping that you can support your student in their desires to be a part of this team.
The first meeting of the Math Counts program will be Wednesday, September 28th from 2:50 pm to 3:50 pm in Mrs. Rice’s classroom (RM#6). The meetings will continue the entire year, once a week on Wednesdays through May 17, 2023. Obviously, the days we are on vacation, these classes will not be held, but otherwise they will be after school one time a week, every Wednesday.
We ask that you encourage your student to participate in this incredible opportunity. As with all our extra-curricular activities, we ask that students and families are dedicated and committed to what they sign up for. As a parent of 4 children myself, I always expected my kids to fulfill the commitments they make by attending all the required events and being actively engaged in the work they were doing. I am asking the same of our students as Mr. Moore is volunteering his time and energy to this program and out of respect for him, I hope our students can be consistent and dedicated to the program. I am sure once they get involved, they will want to be actively engaged throughout the year.
Thank you for your time,
Seth H. Boyle
Seth H. Boyle
Administrator / Assistant Athletic Director
Taylor’s Crossing Public Charter School
(916) 420-7057