The Education of Homeless Children and Youth Program ensures that students who lack a fixed, regular, and adequate nighttime residence are provided a free, appropriate public education. This includes educational services that provide for an equal opportunity to enroll in, attend, and be successful in school. Originally authorized in 1987 under Title VII-B of the McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Act, this program was most recently reauthorized as Title X, Part C of the No Child Left Behind Act of 2001. The Act ensures the educational rights and protections for children and youth experiencing homelessness and includes:
-Idaho Department of Education
Link to Idaho Department of Education: Homeless Education
Homeless Students
Taylor’s Crossing Public Charter School recognizes its obligation to ensure that homeless students have access to the same educational programs and services provided to other students at our school. The school shall make reasonable efforts to identify homeless children within the district, encourage their enrollment, and eliminate existing barriers to their attendance and education, in compliance with federal and state law and regulations.
Board Policy for Homeless Students at Taylor's Crossing
Title X Homeless Education Requirements
Homeless Student Identification Procedure
If a Student Becomes Homeless
Homeless Dispute Resolution Process
Homeless Eligibility or School Placement Appeal Request Form
Bobbi Campbell
Title 1 Director
Homeless Liaison