Posted Date: 10/31/2022
To the Parents and Guardians of Taylor’s Crossing Public Charter School,
Today’s youth deal with so many more issues than I ever remember having to deal with as a young person. I am so happy that our school tries its best to teach resilience, respect, responsibility and accountability. Those characteristics come with greater responsibility and sometimes, our students’ have difficulty dealing with the ups and downs of life. We want to try our best to be as supportive as we can to help our students navigate through a variety of these situations.
We are happy to announce that we have procured the services of an anonymous tip line that can assist us with identifying a variety of situations that may happen around campus. This tip line is to report bullying, drug concerns, and potentially reporting students thinking of self-harm. There are posters and signs that will be put up around the school with a QR code that will direct students to a website where this can be reported anonymously.
Through experience, some students may not feel comfortable reporting this to an adult and identifying themselves. For some reason they feel it violates some unwritten code of friendship whereas we know that this could save a lot of anguish. Students need to know and trust that the adults on campus can be quicker to respond to things when we are made aware of specific situations. We hope that this anonymous tip line will resolve any anxiety students may have coming to adults.
We want to emphasize that this tool is not to be misused. We hope that students will understand the magnitude and the importance in being honest and forthright when they report certain circumstances. Students need to know that all reports will be followed up with and if we find too many of the reports to be false or misrepresentative of what is actually happening, we may not continue on with the service, which would be disheartening. We feel that when we explain this program to the students, they will understand the importance of making sure they know facts about situations before reporting them.
In the end, we want this tool to be used to help identify situations on campus that may assist our students deal with situations in their lives that are difficult or complicated. We hope that anonymous reporting will allow students the freedom to help their peers out without fear of thinking they are hurting or violating the trust of a friendship. I think that through this group effort, we can help those students that are struggling with issues and assist them in getting the help they need so that they can gain the resilience that is needed to deal with life’s ups and downs.
Feel free to contact me if you have any questions or concerns.
Thank you for your time,
Seth H. Boyle
Seth H. Boyle
Administrator / Assistant Athletic Director
Taylor’s Crossing Public Charter School
(916) 420-7057