Posted Date: 03/01/2023
To the Parents, Guardians and Students of Taylor’s Crossing,
I am writing this email to remind everyone of the protocols and safety guidelines we have when students are riding the buses. We need to make sure that our students are aware of the fact that the bus is an extension of the school and as such, all of the rules and regulations of the school also need to be adhered to on the bus. I am attaching the rules established by our busing company, Mustang Transportation, and hope that you can speak with your student about their behavior on the bus.
Lately we have had a number of issues on the buses with student misbehavior. I would like to remind parents that there are protocols we will follow when issues arise. Our goal is to make sure that the bus is safe for all our students and as such, we need cooperation from our parents in supporting not only the school, but the drivers of the buses.
1) We will contact parents about what the student’s misbehavior is.
2) We will place the student misbehaving in a seat immediately behind the bus driver for a set amount of time, if their actions continue to be disruptive or dangerous.
3) We will suspend the student from riding the bus for 1-2 weeks.
4) The privilege of riding the bus will be revoked and the student will no longer be able to ride the bus to or from school.
We need our students to understand that having a bus is a privilege, not a right. If they cannot abide by the rules of the school on the bus, nor pay attention to the instructions given to the driver, they need to understand that there will be repercussions for their actions. As parents, you have a great influence in this area because you may not have other options to get your student to school. As such, we hope that you can impart the importance of proper behavior while riding buses to and from school. One of the biggest complaints I hear, which is a huge safety concern, is students not remaining in their seats. I understand we have many young riders, but I implore you to ask your children to listen to what they are being asked to do while on the bus. I will be working hand in hand with the drivers to make sure they are respectful and dignified when asking students to remain seated, be quiet, etc, but I think you, as parents, will have the most success in helping us change how students are behaving on the bus.
Thank you for your time,
Seth H. Boyle
Seth H. Boyle
Administrator / Assistant Athletic Director
Taylor’s Crossing Public Charter School
(916) 420-7057