For Mac OS users, there is a system setting that may not allow you to tab onto several types of elements in a web page. To change this setting:
The purpose of this Technology Use Notification is to describe the responsibilities and privileges of users of Taylor’s Crossing Public Charter School’s technology resources. TCPCS provides technology resources for the educational and professional benefit of its students and staff. The District’s Board Policies on Technology (School Board Policies including policies 3265A2, 3270 and 3270P, can be found on the school website and can be reviewed by students and parents) govern the acceptable use of technology, regardless of whether those policies are explicitly spelled out in this document. Students are required to comply with TCPCS technology policies in order to use the technology resources. TCPCS administration, faculty, and/or staff reserve the right to deny or suspend User access if User breaks the terms of technology policies. Severe infractions may result in school OSS or even expulsion. User will be informed of the suspected violation and given an opportunity to present an explanation.
To promote the safety and security of users of TCPCS Networks, and to ensure compliance with the Children’s Internet Protection Act (CIPA), blocking and filtering protection measures and security controls are used to the extent practical. Educators may request approval for Technology Services staff to unblock access to sites containing material which is appropriate for valid educational purposes. TCPCS does not condone or permit the use of materials which are defamatory, abusive, obscene, profane, threatening, offensive, inappropriate or illegal, and User may not knowingly bring such materials into the school environment. System administrators do not have control of information residing on other systems; therefore students’ home and personal Internet use can have an impact on the school. If personal Internet expression – such as a threatening message to another person, or a violent web site – creates a likelihood of material disruption to the school’s operations, the User may face disciplinary action and/or criminal penalties.
Personal information about any student should be assumed to be confidential, and User should never disclose or transmit such information via TCPCS Network except in strict compliance with the law and District policies. However, User should not expect that files and information will always be private. System administrators have access to stored data including e-mail. System administrators will not intentionally inspect the contents of personal files or e-mail, or disclose such information, unless required to do so by law or policies of TCPCS, or to investigate complaints regarding data which is alleged to contain impermissible material. System administrators reserve the right to monitor all activity on TCPCS Network and to cooperate fully with TCPCS, local, state, or federal officials in investigations concerning any data stored on or transmitted via TCPCS Network.
• Use the technology equipment for educational purposes, not for personal purposes during school times, nor for any illegal purpose, nor for any other activity prohibited by District policies or guidelines. • No student use of TCPCS Network unless under instructor supervision and with permission of school personnel, for educator approved purposes; no use for recreation and entertainment (meaning no streaming movies and/or music). • No student use of direct communications such as any and all social media application messaging or online chat during class time or on TCPCS Network. This includes: a. Using email as a chat room or as constant contact with others during class time (prohibited) b. Setting up and using a SHARED document as a chat room with others during class time (prohibited) • Be responsible at all times for proper use of accounts: a. Use only assigned accounts and keep passwords confidential; NO STUDENT USE OF STAFF ACCOUNTS. b. Not permit others to use accounts for which I (the User) am responsible. c. Prevent unauthorized use by logging off or locking any computer that I (the User) am not directly monitoring. • Protect the privacy of others and myself: a. Not view, use, transmit or copy information or files for which I (the User) am not authorized. b. Not disclose personal or private information about others or myself (the User). • Respect and protect the intellectual property of others: a. Be responsible for determining whether or not any material, including software, texts, music files, movies etc., is in the public domain before using, copying, distributing or installing it. b. Not use TCPCS Network for copyrighted or licensed material without permission, recognizing that it is illegal. c. DO NOT plagiarize (use another person’s work without permission and attribution). This is easily avoided by citing your sources. • Treat TCPCS Network with respect, to protect its security, integrity and availability: a. Not disable or interfere with any antivirus or anti-malware protection on the computers / network and immediately notify school personnel if a virus or malicious software is found. b. Report any security risks or violations to a teacher or system administrator. c. Not destroy, damage, or alter equipment, information or resources that do not belong to me. d. Use only approved technology equipment and software within the District, following TCPCS policies and guidelines for where and how they are to be used. e. Not use personally owned technology unless inspected and approved according to school policies. f. Not permit others (such as family or friends) to use technology assigned by TCPCS for my use. g. Not send spam, chain letters or other mass unsolicited mailings. • Respect and practice community principles and ethics: a. Use polite communication; no harassment or bullying, or abusive, or inappropriate language. b. Not intentionally access, transmit, copy or create any defamatory, inaccurate, abusive, obscene, profane, threatening, offensive or illegal material; and to immediately report accidental access to a teacher or administrator. c. Avoid material on the Internet that does not relate to educational pursuits. d. Not transmit materials, information or software in violation of any local, state or federal law. • Follow all TCPCS Board policies regarding technology use while using TCPCS technology resources.
The Educational Objectives of Google Apps for Education are: Group project sharing for classroom assignments; Digital assignment turn-in of class assignments; online disk storage for school work-related assignments. School educators make every reasonable effort to monitor student conduct related to class content in order to maintain a positive learning community. All Google Apps participants will respect the teachers’ time and professionalism by supporting the same positive approach. All TCPCS student files and e-mail communications are subject to review by Taylor’s Crossing Public Charter School staff. All TCPCS students will be respectful in their postings and comments and use of technology. Inappropriate language, personal insults, profanity, spam, or discriminatory remarks, cyberbullying or other threatening comments are not acceptable. The use of this service is for class-related projects and assignments. Users may not use Google Apps for non-school related purposes. Google Apps is a district-monitored service so users should expect no privacy. No student, or other participant, may include any information on the site that could compromise the safety of him/herself or other class members. Participants should avoid specific comments about school location, schedules, or any other personal information. All TCPCS student users must protect their log-in and password information and class passwords (if any). If students suspect that a password has been compromised, they must notify the teacher immediately. No student may share his/her log-in information or protected information with others. Digital plagiarism of other users’ work is unacceptable. Students must follow all other technology expectations as listed in the TCPCS Student Handbook. Failure of students to follow these guidelines may result in disciplinary action and possibly termination of computer privileges.
I have read, understand, and agree to follow the technology policies outlined within this document including the Technology User Notification section, Technology User Notification: Internet Safety and Privacy, the Users of TCPCS Technology shall section, and the Google Classroom section. I agree to abide by the terms of the Taylor’s Crossing Public Charter School policies regarding technology as found in the Student Handbook, this document, and in School Board Policies 3265A2, 3270 and 3270P (which can be found on the school website and can be reviewed by students and parents). Should I commit any violation of these policies / rules or in any way misuse my access to the school’s computer network and/or the internet, I understand and agree that my access privileges may be revoked and school disciplinary action may be taken against me. I understand and agree that I do not expect that my files and information on the TCPCS network or Google Classroom domain will always be private. I understand that system administrators will not intentionally inspect the contents of personal files or e-mail, or disclose such information, unless required to do so by law or policies of TCPCS, or to investigate complaints regarding data which is alleged to contain impermissible material. System administrators reserve the right to monitor all activity on TCPCS Network and to cooperate fully with TCPCS, local, state, or federal officials in investigations concerning any data stored on or transmitted via TCPCS Network.